Monday, August 5, 2013

The Halo

I was lying there in my cozy and comfortable world...
Happy and contented to be myself...
Everything green... Everything beautiful... Everything so perfect!

And there it was... a yellow ball of light...
As small as a fire-fly...coming towards me!
I was curious, I do admit.
And I set forth to capture this strange thing...!
Haven't seen something so interesting in a while...

As it zoomed past, I saw its color change... From amber to bright red...
From being a fire-fly to a bigger ball of fire...!
I touched it... OUCH!!! 'Twas too hot!!!
I realized going after it would be a mistake...

And so I ran...
Away from my comfort zone... away from the probable hazard...
But the ball kept following me... And was getting closer...
The fire scared me... I cried... Searched for my loved ones...!
Too late I realized, I was away from my perfect world!!!

I was about to give up when I saw the fire go off...
There was something blue... And it felt much better now...!
It wasn't hot any more... rather it was quite pleasant...
And I became curious again... What had happened???
I felt comfortable again...
I touched the ball once more...'Twas warm, not hot...!
Happiness spread through me again...
What is this strange thing happening???

And before I knew, a white light surrounded me...
A Halo light...
And I felt calm...!
And then I realized, I'd fallen in love...
And my world felt special again...! :-)

Friday, November 26, 2010

The "Emotional" Touch...

It was during the Tech Symposium at office yesterday. And there I was sleeping peacefully on one of the talks of the day, so happy that events like these actually give you a reason to not work and simply have some "fun" (literally). I hadn't realized the talk was done, over (and I hadn't bothered to follow anything on the topic) until my friend poked me.

"Emotional Design"... That was the title for the next topic and it kinda made me curious. "So if you were given an option to choose from these, what would you choose?" The speaker's first question and the slide, caught everyone's attention! Almost every sleeping body was awake, coz believe me this wasn't something that any of us were expecting! And there on the screen we saw one part with pics of all the latest high-end phones and an iPhone. Now what kinda question was that? iPhone obviously... And there you go, that was what the whole talk was about!

Well it was mostly about giving that emotional touch to products. The WOW factor that would actually make people fall for something! :-) Come to think of it, having an iPhone is "COOL"!!! Think of the pride you have when you own one of those!

Itz the same with everything we own or want to have! We want the best of all! Be it something personal, or for the home, or official... And we'd do anything to get it!!!

The speaker was talking about how one of our company's CT scan product was customized for kids. Making it more of an amusement ride rather than a boring medical procedure. According to her report, that COOLness did the job...! :-)

I know how hard it is to actually develop something that appeals to the user. Trust me, I've had trouble in the past to incorporate all those stupid WOW things into the web pages I developed. The scrolling and the looks the client wanted, was simply impossible to achieve! And I used to curse those web designers and my managers who agreed to all this stupid stuff!!!

But after all those tiring days and efforts, it made me proud when someone looked at it (mostly the client) and say "WOW that looks superb!!" And even more wonderful, when things go great when it goes live (esp. if there're no issues reported from the site) :-D

So itz not juz the customer's emotions. But the developer's as well!!! :-)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Hit by the L-A-Z-Y bug...

I think I've been seriously hit by the "laziness" flu....!!! I know its kinda hard to accept, but yes I'm finally admitting it....and yeah it seems to be in a critical condition!!!! :-)

Why? Well at least I have all the symptoms!!! The likes of not wanting to get up in the mornings, keeping the alarm on multiple snoozes for that 5 more minutes of sleep....And if I did wake up, then not wanting to take a bath, thinking on whether or not to get into the cold shower!!

Well what the heck, I spent a lot of time in the bathroom, I'm pretty sure I won't get that bus. And I still have to press my clothes. Hmmm why bother....There I go again, sleeping off another 10 more minutes!!! :-D

OMG look at the time now!!! Now I'll never make it to office in time....In that case, should I really go today? Hmmm off I go typing to my boss...."Will be working from home today <eom>" (Oh I juz love my company for its flexible work culture :-D) Aah now to catch a few more minutes of slumber :-D

Well this is pretty much what happens to me most mornings....Every time I do this, I keep telling myself, "Now this is the last time. I WILL get that bus from tomorrow" :-) Who am I kidding!!! I'm sick!!! I'm down with the flu!!!

Weekends come and go. And I'm always at home, lying on the sofa, watching repeats of FRIENDS and those same movies, with an occasional visit to the kitchen. The same FB games, Diner Dash and BookWorm....One of these days my laptop's gonna get bored doing the same stuff!!! :-)

I couldn't waste my time by climbing down 5 floors to hit the gym. Now I have an exerciser in my bedroom, staring at me all day, wishing to get itself warmed up!!! The fact that none of my clothes fit me, doesn't get me started on it. Nor do I bother to get a new wardrobe...! My hair's gone all wild and messy, and is screaming desperately to get to the salon. I think I should be thankful to everyone around me, not minding my appearance!!! :-)

Hmmm now how did all of this happen? When did the bug hit me? I guess I'll think about that tomorrow..... :-)